Dental implantology
Dental implantology specially for critical cases
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+962-797-37 7375
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Sat - Thur: 9am - 6pm, Fri: Closed
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The European dental center was established in (2009) under the management of Dr. Mohanned Kiswani and a number of Jordanian dentists and specialists. The center offers a wide spectrum for family services for all family members.
All of our treatments and services are provided in a comfortable, spa-like clinic, designed according to high-quality standards.
At EDC, we don’t do implants as a procedure but as an aesthetic outcome that replaces your lost teeth while transforming your smile into an amazing cosmatically pleasing one. To achieve this aim our team collaborates to ensure skilled dentistry and aesthetically driven sensibilities. This is the reason why we you can explore a wide range of our happy patients’ testimonials. Be our next success story and book your appointment.
When the European Dental Center is the first destination for the best doctors in Jordan from various specialties, be sure that you are in the right place
The First TEMOS certified dental center in the middle east European Dental Center is the first dental clinic in Jordan and even in the Middle East that received the Temos Quality Seal Certificate “Quality in International Dental Care”. Temos is a neutral and independent certification body located with its Headquarters in Germany and different regional offices in several countries worldwide.
Dr.Mohannad Kiswani is considered the first in Jordan and Middle East who applied this revolutionary invention in dentistry from its manufacturing company in America- Boston. The company is considering Dr.Kiswani their scientific representoer in the Middle East. European Dental Center is considered a reference center for dentists asking to equilibrate their patients’ occlusion after complete oral rehabilitation. T-Scan added modern technology to dental treatment that will not leave a doctor to guess where the problem is Read More
The Dawson Academy nominates Dr.Kiswani as the Middle East Ambassador Dr.Mohannad Kiswani has been recently announced as the Middle East Ambassador for Dawson Academy due to his remarkable efforts in occlusion and TMJ studies and after being recognized by international institutions as a scientific consultant or speaker. The Dawson Academy for advanced dental education - founded 35 years ago- is the largest American Academy for dental occlusion. The Dawson Academy is a postgraduate educational facility dedicated to the advancement of Dentistry Read More
By this digital scanner we can take impressions for your teeth in a digital way without using ordinary methods. We send the digital way without using ordinary methods. We send the digital impression by email to our lab were they process through a software completely digitally, thisresults in faster , more precise, with superior esthetics zircon crowns. Read More